Our features

The KOG Institute gives you access to world-class training,
certification and research

Applied scientific knowledge

Through application of scientific knowledge and methods we help companies and organizations solve practical marketing and communication issues. We achieve that through cooperation with different researchers and the available internal resources that enable us to identify and grasp the specific needs of companies and organizations.

Focus on consumer behaviour

A consumer is a central figure of today’s marketing and communication, and the multifaceted and comprehensive approach to understanding their behaviour, e.g. processing information or deciding on purchase, is a necessary condition for a successful marketing and communication strategy.

Innovation of applied research

Consumer behaviour is a particularly complex phenomenon the exploration of which demands adequate methods. For this purpose, we aim to create and introduce communication and market research innovation. We actively experiment with a variety of research methods, e.g. time of response, neuromarketing, when studying the experience and attitudes of consumers, and efficiency of advertising. We offer the tested and functioning methods to the marketing and communication community to apply in practice.

Interdisciplinary approach

To solve relevant marketing and communication problems or create training programmes, we apply the globally important achievements in marketing, cognitive and social psychology, neuroscience, behavioural economics, sociology, semiotics, communication and media studies.

We are

Our customers recommend us: recommendation - 9.6 out of 10 points, NPS 97. We work and conduct research projects in 14+ global markets every year


They write about us

Reklamos, kurios lietuviams patinka, net jei liūdina


Tyrimas: per metus moksleivių ir studentų palankumas energetikos sektoriui – augo


Sėkmingos reklamos užkulisiai: „Bitė“ istoriją apie 5G internetą pavertė filmu


Ekspertė apie prekių boikoto akcijas: jos įvyksta nebent socialiniame burbule


Partnerystė, narkotikai ir kas kaltas dėl karo: Lietuvos gyventojai pasakė savo nuomonę


„Ne laiku ir ne vietoje“: komunikacijos specialistai įvertino „vėžio šauktinių“ reklamą
