Basics of
media planning

The training focuses on the practical aspects of planning and implementing advertising campaigns in mass media (TV, radio, press and others) and digital media (banners, social networks and videos). Participants will gain basic knowledge and learn to choose the most suitable strategy and media mix depending on the goals of the brand and the advertising campaign.
The training will be based on a wide range of data sources: global sources (WARC, IPA, CMI); data sources of The Baltic states (Kantar TNS, Gemius); KOG Institute data sources (media research, advertising effectiveness research database); Econometric modeling data of Inspired UM.
Programme of the workshop
1 Terms of Media Planning
• Recognition of key and derivative terms.
• Separation of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
2 Media Audience Data and Research
• How are essential statistics obtained for media planning.
3 Planning of Mass Media Channels
4 Planning of Digital Media Channels
• Understanding how to select, optimize them.
• What the effective frequency should be.
5 Content projects
• How to choose content distribution channels and what KPIs to measure results?
• Foreign and Lithuanian examples will be reviewed
6 Media planning strategy
7 Practical approach: workshop
Lecturers of the seminar
The lecturers of the seminar are professionals
in their field with academic and practical experience.
(The list of lecturers is constantly updated.)


Domantas Gailius
Founder of the "KOG Institute", partner at "Inspired UM". Marketing communication strategist and practitioner with 20 years of experience, lecturer, lecturer. His practice: regular lecturing at the "KOG Institute", "The Atomic Garden" school, guest lecturer at VU, KTU, as well as a speaker at marketing conferences. Domantas participates in the development of marketing communication strategies for the largest Lithuanian and foreign brands and the public sector. Areas of expertise - development and implementation of marketing communication strategies. Consultations, lectures, training on marketing topics.


Darius Rinkūnas
Media project manager in the largest Lithuanian media agency Inspired UM. If a media bike existed, he could legally ride it through campaign routes, as he has been gaining professional experience for 14 years. Darius has accumulated knowledge while working in one of the largest Lithuanian research companies, specializing in consumer behavior as well as media audiences. He has been working for Inspired UM for the last six years with leading brands in retail, DIY and financial sectors. Darius has achieved more than 500 successful campaigns, which were extremely different and required flexibility as well as personalized insights.


Jurgis Šimelionis
After graduating with a master's degree in marketing from the Rotterdam School of Management University in the Netherlands, Jurgis returned to Lithuania and has been working in digital advertising agencies for 6 years. For the last 4 years, Jurgis has been working for Reprise and is responsible for the digital advertising and strategy of the largest Lithuanian and foreign advertisers, such as IKI, Deeper, IKEA Lietuva, and others.


Liveta Stonkutė
Head of Digital Advertising at "Marvelous", with more than 6 years of experience in social media management and project management. Liveta specialises in social media strategies, client relationship development, project management and team management.
Information about upcoming courses
Course "Marketing Communication: Consumer's Perspective"
as many as seven are presented and analyzed in practice
Adaptive approaches to how marketing communications work.
Who is it for?
Speciālistiem, kam ir 2–3 gadu pieredze:
- mārketingā
- mārketingā, mārketinga projektu vadībā
- reklāmas kampaņu realizācijā klientu vai aģentūru pusē
Tāpat arī tiem speciālistiem, kas līdz šim lielākoties strādāja ar digitālo kampaņu palaišanu, taču vēlas izprast un pārvaldīt arī masu mediju kanālus.
Scope and cost
550 €+VAT
Next course
Classes from 4pm
KOG instituto biuras
Algirdo g. 38, Vilnius (Naujamiestis)